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Af alle publikationer skal OPEN fremgå som affiliation til mindst en af forfatterne. Dette angives som: ”OPEN, Open Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark.”. som: ”OPEN, Open Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark.”. Det vil normalt være projektkoordinatoren, men øvrige forskere, som arbejder på projektet, kan ligeledes bruge denne ekstra affiliering. Hvis tidsskriftet tillader det, må man meget gerne inkludere hyperlink til OPEN: www.sdu.dk/da/forskning/open. Hvis en af forfatterne er tilknyttet Syddansk Universitet skal artiklen indberettes med OPEN affiliering i Pure (universitetets indberetningssystem for publikationer). I fald ingen af forfatterne er tilknyttet Syddansk Universitet, skal OPEN via mail til [email protected] have besked om publicering af artikler med henblik på registrering.


Odense City and Odense University Hospital provides core-funding support for the Odense Child Cohort study. Other contributors are: the Mental Health Service in the Region of Southern Denmark, K.A. Rohde’s and wife’s Foundation, the Ronald McDonald Child Foundation, the Health Insurance Foundation and the Odense University Hospital Research Fund. 


We thank all the families who are part of this study, the Odense Child Cohort co-workers, the midwives for their help in recruitment and collection of samples together with the Biomedical Laboratory Scientist and the assistants, the home nurses/health visitors for their recruitment assistance and the laboratory technicians at the Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital.

Hvis det yderligere ønskes at nævne OPEN kan denne tekst benyttes:
This work used the technical facilities of OPEN (Open Patient data Explorative Network), Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark.